A team of highly qualified experts having rich experience and scientific potential proposes: designing, hydraulic dimensioning, adjustment, decorative scheme and execution of water screens, water walls, waterfalls, fountains and other water effects in the interior and exterior; design of irrigation systems for green areas and agricultural crops, drainage systems and drainage-irrigation systems; irrigation and drainage systems of golf courses; consultancy services; maintenance.
WATER SCREENS – can be executed 3, 5, 10, 15, 20 and more meters high, in interior space and along façade walls. In order to obtain one “luscious”, full and more dense water picture, resembling a winter scene – snowing in big flakes, then the water dropping lanes and respectively, nozzles, should be disposed at a comparatively small distance between them – 3 cm ( i.e. 33 pcs per meter), otherwise the expected effect is lost. Besides, it is very important a heavy water –crystal drops stream to be realized on the water dropping lanes in order for the expected effect to be reached – snow falling in big flakes. In order to avoid the continuous, monotonous and dense water stream along the lanes, and to realize a movement of running water crystal drops, a strictly prescribed flow rate feeding the lanes should be maintained.
In all water screens developed by the company, the distribution unit (pipe system) is built-in a decorative inox case, arranged with two rows of decorative lighting openings on the side walls, with built-in two rows of lighting, decorative inox nozzles, and possibly a company logo according to the wish of the Client. The case represents an attractive lighting element to the ceiling, even when the water screen is not in operation.
The shape of the water screen could be quite different depending on the location and the adjacent configuration – rectilinear, round, oval, arch, spiral and other shape derivative to them, at one or several levels.
The water mirror at the base of the water screen is also a unique element of the interior solution. Underwater lighting could be installed in it, and if the client wishes, short-jet, large-stem fountain squirts could be arranged too.
In order to catch the water splashes at the base of the screen generated by the contact of the water drops with the water mirror, and, at the same time to achieve a regulation and reduction of the water noise to a pleasant patter of rain,
a non-collector water intake has been developed, dropping out the necessity of metal pipe cup-shaped/comb-shaped collector solutions, thereby making safe children playing and parties around the water screen.
Where to use water screens?
In large number of interior spaces: public halls, luxury hotels, SPA centers, business centers, offices, atriums, winter gardens, stairs areas, etc.
WATER WALLS – For us, the water wall is a decorative element contributing to the refreshment of the adjacent air space thanks to the realized large open and direct contact area between the running screen water layer (coat) and the air. It is good the open water wall to be fringed with a sheet iron structure of grinded stainless steel, with built-in lighting and open narrow reservoir beneath, also with lighting. It is good as well suitable green vegetation to be arranged around this reservoir.
WATERFALLS – in the interior solutions they have to feature a very thin overflowing water stream looking like a “cellophane” film, uniform and not breaking, plunging and returning to the wall of the spillway in case of necessity, in order to reduce the noise and water splashes. In the exterior space, the overflowing waterfall is, most frequently, an element of a multi-step water cascade, with well-arranged water mirrors and dissipated hydraulic jump.
This waterfall effect is best obtained when the spillway crest is executed with grinded stone lining, most frequently by granite, and executed with a specially developed for this purpose detail of the crest. The water approaching the crest should be with a fully dissipated power which means that the water velocity at the crest should be very low, almost without movement; then the water “executes” the form of falling and angle of falling desired by us. The same is valid for the “behind the spillway” reservoir, which is an inseparable part of the waterfall solution. The density, sooner the monotony of the water stream along the whole width of the overflowing waterfall is not obligatory and is not always the best solution. In some cases the monotonous stream “grows heavier” on the waterfall effect. Here, some forms of the natural waterfalls in the nature could be adopted.
In the exterior space, the overflowing waterfall is very often an element of a multi-step water cascade, with well-arranged water mirrors and dissipated hydraulic jump. Here, the form, direction and height of the waterfall effect are more free as well as the noise level. All depends on the specific situation and the preferences of the Client.
Very often, the overflowing waterfalls, both in interior and exterior can be executed with thin-wall (1 mm) stainless inox sheet iron following different forms – from domed to linear, two options being possible – custom-made sheet iron configuration, and ready-made modular solutions. With these waterfalls, it is easier to reach a thin-wall overflowing water stream. In order to avoid the abruption of the waterfall stream it is necessary to observe some minimum values of the feeding flow rate, which depends on the width of the spillway and the height of the overflowing stream. The abruption of the stream should be avoided, it leads to a greater noise from the falling water. When the sheet iron waterfall solutions are in open air, with green vegetation, they have to be suitably garnished and camouflaged with green vegetation.
FOUNTAINS – the fountain is a place for rest, for relaxation, a place for a pleasant coolness, freshness and comfort. A place where you sit but forget to stand, where and why you are passing by. Besides, the water architecture should be able to be inserted in the interior and exterior background and location. The intensity with many water squirts, differently configured and oriented, and of different type (thin-wall and large-stem, inclined, vertical) not always leads to the desired fountain effect if the result is not a complete, pleasant for the eye well-arranged water-architectural solution. The degree of relaxation is the criterion for assessment.
It is good the fountain to be at several levels, with well-arranged overflowing waterfalls, lightings and architectural part. In the cup of the fountain there should not be seen cables, pipes, pumps, filters, etc.
The same is valid also for the pumping shaft, whether in the cup of the fountain or not- it should not be seen. It is very important, still in the pre-design phase of a fountain, to have a clear water-architectural picture to be followed, like volume, figure, dimensions and type of water squirts – large-stem and to what extent, with a pulled-out conical squirt, more thin-wall but with a foam-shaped top part of the squirt, fan-shaped sloped or vertical, thin-wall vertical and sloped, etc. and to what extent this water picture will fit the adjacent exterior space. Undoubtedly, in central and square urban spaces, especially in front of prestigious public buildings, like Parliament, Council of Ministers, Presidency, etc. the choice should be a water picture, very powerful and high, formed basically of large-stem water squirts, underlining the representative character, authority and importance of the adjacent buildings, especially for the foreign tourists. The angle of sloping (setting upright) for the round-cylindrical thin-wall fountain solutions is also of big importance in order to obtain a complete and clearly expressed water-architectural picture, and not a chaotic “salad” of water squirts, just for the idea.
The alternativeness of the water squirts, i.e. their operation at alternative height over time and the cyclic recurrence of their switching on and off should not cause internal “stresses” and should not irritate passers-by who have come to enjoy the fountain view. Of course, this is not the case with the show-fountains. Especially colourful is the solution when in parallel to the fountain squirts, waterfall solutions have been applied at one or several levels, and together with them-water mirrors at several levels.
IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE SYSTEMS – the design of an irrigation system is connected with the solution of the following basic tasks: well-grounded choice of a suitable route, water source, pipes diameters, suitable irrigation equipment and optimal mode of operation; reaching the normative allowable coefficient of uneven distribution of irrigation water from the irrigation equipment – up to 20 %, depending on the specific conditions, automatic control and the least possible investments. A drainage system should be able to be used also as an irrigation one in case of necessity – maximum utilization of the fallen rains in dry periods (author’s patent) and, at the same time, to use the drainage system for sub-soil irrigation of some agricultural crop. The energy consumption by the pump head systems for irrigation is an important indicator and substantial part of operational costs thereby making water saving and energy saving techniques and technologies, and more specifically drip irrigation, a priority.